Equity Capital Market

Equity Capital Market Leveraged on our strong investor client base including institutional investors, high net worth investors and retail investors, and our well-established distribution channel and network of different financial products, we provide our equity capital market services to our clients by acting as: IPOs as global coordinators, bookrunners, lead managers or underwriters. We also…

Investment Banking

Investment Banking Licensed with the SFC to carry out Type 1 (dealing in securities) and Type 6 (corporate finance) regulated activities, we are one of the most active local investment banks in Hong Kong, providing corporate finance advisory services and equity capital market services. Corporate Finance Our corporate finance advisory services mainly comprise the following…

Our Service

Our Service Our financial and securities services mainly include investment banking services (corporate finance advisory and equity capital market), brokerage services (securities trading and futures trading), securities financing, research and asset management.     Since our foundation in 2014, we have completed nearly 40 IPO sponsorship projects and participated in more than 100 equity capital…